How can I filter the queue to only show access transactions?
Author: Wade Whitmoyer Reference Number: AA-00244 Views: 13602 Created: 04-22-2013 02:00 PM Last Updated: 06-05-2013 04:22 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

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At times it may be useful to filter the events in a queue to show only access transactions. This can be done several ways depending on what the user is wanting to see. A queue can be filtered based on the type of events as well as the devices to be included.


Lets take a look at a couple examples:

Show all transactions from the Front and Back Doors:

  • Add a new Queue in the Project Tree under System Control -> Queues
  • Right-Click on the new Queue node and select "Properties..."
  • Check the box for "Card Swipes Only:" so only Card Swipe events are written to the queue
  • Drag the "Front Door" and "Back Door" Readers in to the "Filter List"

Now that the queue exists, define a way to display the queue.

  • On a screen, add a button.
  • In the "Mouse Down Actions" grid, add the command "PopUpQueue" and drag the above queue to the target field.

When this button is pressed, a message queue will pop up showing only the messages for the objects that were specified in the "Filter List".

Show Only Invalid Transactions From All Doors:

  • Add a new Queue in the Project Tree under System Control -> Queues
  • Right-Click on the new Queue node and select "Properties..."
  • Do not check the box for "Card Swipes Only:" so all events are written to the queue
  • Drag the "Front Door" and "Back Door" Readers in to the "Filter List"

Now that the queue exists, define a way to display the queue.

  • On a screen, add a button.
  • In the "Mouse Down Actions" grid, add the command "PopUpQueue" and drag the above queue to the target field.

When this button is pressed, an alarm queue will pop up showing only the alarms for the objects that were specified in the "Filter List".  

Some other properties of interest are:

  • If "Auto Popup:" is checked, then the queue will automatically pop up when an entry is written to the queue.
  • If "Auto Popoff when empty:" is checked, the queue will close when all transactions have been cleared.
  • Adjust the "X Position:" and "Y Position:" fields to suit your preferences for the location of the popup.


  • Intelli-Site Enterprise v3.x
  • Intelli-Site Global  v3.x

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