How to Quickly Change the Settings of Several Similarly Programmed Screen Objects
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00317 Views: 15877 Created: 03-20-2013 04:00 PM Last Updated: 06-19-2017 05:58 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

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When designing and programming screens and screen objects, you will sometimes need to modify the appearance of several screen objects that are similarly programmed.  You may want to:

  • Make them the same size
  • Make them the same height
  • Make them the same width
  • Have them use the same font settings
  • Have them use the same effect


Make one object look exactly as you want it.  Then select all the objects to be modified, making sure to select the model object first.  The first one selected is the "anchor" and will be used as the model when modifying the rest.  Once all of the screen objects are selected, click on the tool to modify the whole group.

Do the following:

  1. Modify one screen object with all the desired characteristics: size, font, and effects.
  2. Left-click on this object to select it.  This sets the object as the 'anchor'.
  3. Press and hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard, then click on all the other objects you wish to update to match.
  4. Release the Ctrl key.
  5. Click on the desired tool in the toolbar.  You may choose one or more tool in any combination.
    • The "Size controls equally" tool,  - all selected objects will have the same height and width as the first object.
    • The "Make same width" tool,  - all selected objects will have the same width as the first object.
    • The "Make same height" tool,  - all selected objects will have the same height as the first object.
    • The "Make same font" tool,  - all selected objects will use the same font settings as the first object.
    • The "Make same effects" tool,  - all selected objects will have the same effects as the first object.


  • Intelli-Site CS v.<N/A>
  • Intelli-Site ES v.3.9
  • Intelli-Site GS v.3.9
  • MASC v.<N/A>
  • Compass6E v.<N/A>
  • Compass Hardware (<N/A>)
  • MAC Hardware (<N/A>)

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