Release Notes Intelli-Site 4 v4.0.19.24
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00526 Views: 18846 Created: 11-30-2016 10:02 PM Last Updated: 01-24-2017 02:43 PM 0 Rating/ Voters
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This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site 4 v4.0.19.24.  The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

New Features

The following panels were added:

  • Accutech
  • HikVision NVR
  • Senstar
  • Stentofon Exchange (AlphaCom) - If this driver is selected, please restart the host computer after installing and creating the initial project.

The following software features were added:

  • N/A

Resolved Issues

The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:

  • Screen objects were not showing the current state when dragged from the Tree to the screen until an event occurred causing the Engine to re-evaluate all screen objects
  • The "Not In Use" checkbox on door 3 of the MAC-4R and MLC-4R is now in effect
  • The "Call-In Ack Actions" grid of a Call Station construct is now being executed
  • Photos on a personnel record can now be edited after being added
The following issues affecting specific products or brands have been resolved:
  • Intelli-Site 4 AC: The Intelli-Site 4 AC User's Guide is accessible via Documentation View

Known Limitations

The following are the known limitations:

  • When viewing video via the ONVIF driver, the CPU usage is extremely high and does not recover without exiting the Desktop Client.
  • When a Compass driver with a TCP/IP communication method is enabled, ensure that all of the physical Compass devices are reachable. If not the Driver Service may lock and must be restarted.
  • Occasionally, when switching Views or within Design Views, the scroll bars and scrolling region do not take up the whole screen but is limited to about 3" wide. This clears up by switching Views or by logging off.
  • In Design View and working with a screen that's wider than the Design Region, drawing objects on the extreme right may cause the screen to jump back to the home position. The object being drawn may have bad data that corrupts the Project. Save often when designing large screens.
  • A video display object cannot display video streams from different driver types
  • Video Snapshots and Clips cannot be saved


  • Intelli-Site 4
  • Intelli-Site 4 AC

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