Release Notes Intelli-Site 4.35.3
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00577 Views: 15154 Created: 11-28-2018 05:14 PM Last Updated: 03-26-2019 11:34 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

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This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.0.35.3.  The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release. 

New Features

The following software features were added:

  • N/A
The following Panels were added or upgraded:

  • NEW! Pelco Switcher panel - supporting Pelco 6800-series and 9700-series Crosspoint Matrix Switchers

      Resolved Issues

      The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:

      • Configuration Utility
        • If there are multiple possible projects, the Configuration Utility would not show the current project appropriately on startup; the Current Project field was blank. The Engine loaded the correct project, it just wasn't being displayed properly.
      The following issues specific to Intelli-Site Lite have been resolved:

      • N/A
      Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:

      • N/A

      Known Limitations



      Applies to:
      • Intelli-Site
      • Intelli-Site Lite
      • LiNC-PLUS
      • LiNC-PLUS Lite
      • MASC
      • MASC Lite
      • ReidentGuard

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