Quick Start Guide for Installing OSSI Global Series DriversAA-00296
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IntroductionOSSI's Intelli-Site Global system includes both hardware and software, specifically the MAC-4R Series of panels, the drivers necessary for communicating with the panels, and the Intelli-Site software suite to integrate your physical security equipment. This quick start guide will walk you through:
ProcedureInstalling and configuring the Intelli-Site Server
Installing LonWorks Drivers:
If the install requires the use of an Echelon USB adapter (LT-USB) or an iLon adapter (LT-EA-600 or LT-EA-1000), hardware drivers must be installed before attempting to install the OSSI MAC-4R driver. These two adapters require the proper OpenLDV hardware drivers before the hardware is connected. The following sections walk you through installing the OpenLDV drivers and configuring the LonWorks adapter if necessary. Installing the driver for the Echelon LT-USB Adapter
You are now ready to add the MAC-4R to the Intelli-Site Project. Installing the driver for an iLon Adapter
At this point the OpenLDV driver is installed and can now communicate with and configure the iLon adapter. Plug the iLon adapter into an open port on your network. It's default IP address is It will need an address in your network. Please contact your IT department to acquire the address to assign to the iLon adapter. Once you have that address, you may continue.
Configuration is complete. It is advisable to test it. Highlight the name and click "Test" Function. Click <Start>. A successful test will state "Success" at the bottom of the procedure. Adding a MAC-4R Controller to Intelli-Site
Once Intelli-Site is installed and OpenLDV is installed and configured, you are ready to add a MAC-4R device to the Intelli-Site Project. There are two parts of the Intelli-Site suite that are involved in the adding and configuring a device in Intelli-Site. One is the DriverService which provides the conduit for communication between the Server and the MAC-4R. The other is the Workstation which is the user interface to the Intelli-Site system. It doesn't matter which one you do first as long as both are done and the data is the same in both places. After bringing the MAC-4R driver online, set the address of the MAC-4R Controller. Adding a MAC-4R Driver to the Intelli-Site DriverService To add a MAC-4R driver to DriverService, right click on the DriverService icon
After the MAC-4R RTU is added to the Project using the Workstation, you may bring the MAC-4R online. Until you bring it online, the icon will be blue. To bring the driver online, right click on it and select "Online". If it finds the MAC-4R and the Server, the icon will be green/green. If it cannot connect to the MAC-4R, the bottom box will be red. If it cannot connect to the Server, the top box will be red. Adding a MAC-4R RTU to Intelli-Site The Intelli-Site Server must be running to add to or modify the Project. In the System Tray you should see the Server icon.
The driver is now fully configured and ready to be brought online. The panel will show up in the Alarm Queue as off-line because the Server is now trying to communicate with the controller. Bring the Driver Online Once the RTU is configure and the driver added to the DriverService, it can be brought online.
Configure the MAC-4R Controller Now that the communication to the MAC-4R has been established, it must be configured. The address must be set for the panel and the inputs need to be defined as Normally Opened or Normally Closed depending on their specific wiring. First, set the address. The default address of any MAC-4R control panel 1.120. It should be the Net/Node address in Intelli-Site which starts at 1.1 and goes up from there. To set the panel's address, Intelli-Site needs the unique neural ID of the panel.
Now that the panel's address is correct, we strongly suggest you name the panel and doors to reflect their purpose and location. The names of the panel and doors are added to the history file, so by including the building name in the name of the panel, you won't need the building name in name for the doors. In our example above, we named our panel "WHSE13 1.1" The doors are "Main Entrance", "Main Storage", "Back Door", and "Secondary Storage". After naming the doors, we need to configure the Inputs to reflect the Normal state for each door. If the Input is "Normally Closed" the "Invert" check box on the Settings tab must be checked. If the Input is "Normally Open", the check box must be clear. "Normally Open" is the default for an Input in Intelli-Site. For each Input that is "Normally Closed", do the following:
Quick Start to a Valid Card Read Now that the panel is online and configured, there are just a few more steps left before we get a valid card read. At least one Access Group must be added as well as a least one Access Set. At least one card must be added as well. For a full understanding of Access Groups and Sets, please read the manual. Basically, an Access Group is a logical grouping of doors, readers, and other devices that would be accessed by the same people. An Access Set is a logical grouping of Access Groups. Access Sets are assigned to Cardholders.
Now switch to Card Management Mode and add a card.
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