Physical Security Tips

Kids Safety Tips at a Bus Stop

Parents and caretakers should discuss bus stop conduct and kids safety rules with school-going children. Stressing the importance of these kids safety tips will help reduce the death rates that result from carelessness around and on the bus. Since we care about the well-being of the kids of our nation, we've created some simple kids safety tips focused on the bus stop environment. Kids Safety Rule #1 First and foremost, when waiting at the bus stop, kids should stay a safe distance of about ten steps away from the bus. It’s always important that kids understand the need to remain where the bus driver can see them before crossing the road or boarding the bus. They should cross the street in front of the bus and never behind it. Kids Safety Rule #2 Kids should always walk toward the bus stop and should never run to the bus. Additionally, when [...]

2017-04-26T10:22:29-05:00School Security|

Physical Security For Businesses

It doesn't matter if you own a small business or a larger corporation, there are still concerns for physical security. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to protect the physical assets of the company, your employees, and your clients. Security Access Procedures Are you controlling the physical access to your business and the areas within it? Valuable assets and confidential information should only be accessible to employees who require access to them in order to perform their job duties. These assets should be secured in a locked room and a procedure for key distribution put in place. You want to ensure that only those who need access are given access. Entrances to the building should be locked from the outside to prevent non-employees to enter the building. In most cases, customers only need one entrance which should be monitored at all times. Security Systems for Businesses You should [...]

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