PSIM Hardware

Additional considerations about metal detectors in schools

Our last blog post talked about the potential effectiveness of metal detectors in school. This blog post will relate to some arguments for and against using metal detectors that your school district should consider before implementing a metal detector system in your school. "Do everything we can to protect students" vs. "Not creating a prison-like atmosphere" This is a big component of the argument between getting a metal detector in a school. One side will argue that the school district must do everything they can to ensure student's safety. On the other hand, they don't want to make it seems like the children are going to a prison. School is supposed to be considered a safe zone; if students walk in and see metal detectors, does that really give a sense of security? Implementation Considerations There are many considerations to have when installing a metal detector as a source of [...]

2017-04-26T10:21:39-05:00School Security|

Frequently Asked Questions about PSIM

Physical Security Information Management or PSIM is the absolute best system to manage security in a well-organized and communicated manner. So what exactly is PSIM and why do you need to know about it? Here are a few frequently asked PSIM questions: Q: What is PSIM? A: PSIM is software that is designed to integrate multiple unconnected security application devices and control them through one comprehensive user interface. Basically, PSIM brings your security systems together to work as one efficient unit. Q: What does PSIM do? A: PSIM collects and correlates events from a wide variety of security devices and information systems (video, access control sensors, analytics, networks, building systems, etc.) to empower personnel to identify and proactively resolve situations. Q: What is the benefit of integrating PSIM into your organization? A: Some benefits of integrating PSIM into your organization include increased control, improved situational awareness, system management, and reporting. [...]


Effectiveness of metal detectors on school safety

There are numerous inquiries about metal detectors and school safety measures all year long, and usually they pick up after incidents of school violence that are heavily covered by the media. We get several questions about metal detectors: Are they effective? Is it a necessary addition to a school? Are they needed to ensure and improve school safety? All of these questions really depend on your school’s situation. Not every school district is the same. There are a lot of schools across the United States that do not use metal detectors and a vast majority of these schools never experience the horrific acts of violence such as Columbine or Sandy Hook. I think we all agree that violence has no place at a school, and if we lived in a perfect world, there wouldn’t be any violence in schools at all. But the sad reality is that there are evil [...]

2017-04-26T10:21:46-05:00School Security|
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