Why can't I see the Intelli-Site icons in the System Tray?
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00300 Views: 18503 Created: 03-07-2013 11:24 AM Last Updated: 08-09-2013 03:59 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

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The Intelli-Site Server and/or the DriverService is running, but the icons do not appear in the System Tray.


The System Tray may be full or the Intelli-Site icons may be set to hide or only display on notification.


This article will walk you through setting the Intelli-Site icons to show in the System Tray all the time.

Customizing the System Tray:

The Windows System Tray can be found in the Task Bar on the opposite end from the Start button.  

  • Click on the "Show Hidden Icons" icon  in the System Tray to reveal the "Hidden Icons" dialog
  • Click on "Customize..." to bring up the "Notifications Area Icons" Control Panel.

  • Scroll through until you find "Server.exe" and "DriverService.exe".  Click on the drop down box and select "Show icon and notifications" for each of these.  Click <OK>.  The Intelli-Site icons will be in the System Tray.


  • Intelli-Site CS ALL Versions
  • Intelli-Site ES ALL Versions
  • Intelli-Site GS ALL Versions
  • MASC v.<N/A>
  • Compass6E v.<N/A>
  • Compass Hardware (<N/A>)
  • MAC Hardware (<N/A>)

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