What is the latest version of Intelli-Site Legacy (3.9) and where do I get it?
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00374 Views: 25599 Created: 06-10-2013 11:22 AM Last Updated: 04-12-2019 04:43 PM 100 Rating/ 1 Voters

As of June 19, 2017, no additional releases of the 3.9 version of the Intelli-Site software will be made. We encourage all of our Intelli-Site customers to convert to the latest and greatest version of Intelli-Site which is a whole new major revision. Please contact your sales personnel for more information.

See What is the latest version of Intelli-Site and where do I get it? for more information.

As of April 29, 2016 the latest version of the Intelli-Site software is 3.9.71

Release Notes 3.9.71

Download Intelli-Site CS

Download Intelli-Site ES/GS

Download Intelli-Track

The following did not change, but is necessary for installations using Milestone MIP (Corporate) XProtect 2014:

Download the Milestone MIP ActiveX Wrapper Installer and install it on all computers running the Workstation and the Milestone MIP Driver for any integrations using Milestone MIP (Corporate).

The following did not change, but are necessary for new installations using Pelco DigitalSENTRY or Pelco Endura:

Download the full Pelco DigitalSENTRY Adapter Installer which must be installed before Intelli-Site ES/GS is upgraded or installed for any integrations using Pelco DigitalSENTRY.
Or download the smaller Pelco DS Online Setup.  It requires access to the internet during installation.

Download Pelco Endura Redistributable Installer which must be installed before Intelli-Site ES/GS is upgraded or installed for any integrations using Pelco Endura.

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