How to change the Text to Speech properties for a User
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00333 Views: 11333 Created: 03-21-2013 03:43 PM Last Updated: 08-09-2013 04:37 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

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Intelli-Site provides Text to Speech.  Some users need it some don't.  It can be enable/disabled on a user by user basis and the voice used can be selected.


The Text to Speech properties for a user can be found on the "Text To Speech" tab of a user's properties.

Setting the Text to Speech options:

In Design Mode:
  • Expand "System Control" -> "Users".
  • Right-click on the user node and select "Properties...".  The properties for that user will appear.
  • Click on the "Text To Speech" tab.
    Here you can enable and disable Text to Speech by clicking on the check box.  You can specifiy the desired voice, and modify the Volume, Rate, and Pitch of the voice.

  • Once everything is set, click <Ok>


  • Intelli-Site CS v.<N/A>
  • Intelli-Site ES v.3.9
  • Intelli-Site GS v.3.9
  • MASC v.<N/A>
  • Compass6E v.<N/A>
  • Compass Hardware (<N/A>)
  • MAC Hardware (<N/A>)

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