Where can I find the badge for a cardholder?
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00342 Views: 16607 Created: 03-22-2013 08:37 PM Last Updated: 03-22-2013 08:37 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

Intelli-Site can store images and pictures of cardholders and print badges.  (See your Sales Representative for details on printing cards.)

The picture is prominently displayed on the "CardData" tab for a Cardholder in Card Management Mode.

  • Search for the specific Cardholder.  See How can I find a specific cardholder or person?
  • Click on the data record in the CardList.  The specific information for that Cardholder will display on the right.
  • To see the the badge, click on the "Badge" tab.

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