Release Notes v3.9.57
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00427 Views: 23998 Created: 12-11-2013 04:10 PM Last Updated: 01-09-2014 10:02 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

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This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v3.9.57.  The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

New Features

The following software features were added:

  • None
The following RTUs were added or upgraded:

  • Alarm playback, snapshot commands, and playback commands were added to the Pelco DigitalSENTRY RTU.

Resolved Issues

The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:

  • The correct version of the Essex driver interface is part of this version.  The Server in 3.9.56 would fix the project so this bug was not critical.
  • Pelco DigitalSENTRY PTZ performs better.
  • The Server does not auto-download cards to the Compass panel that do not exist in the database.
  • The Compass DLT Editor for Valid Read line "Reader 1 Valid Read AND CardUseTC is Active -Set Counter 12 To 0" has the correct Condition 1.  It was blank previously.  Now it has the correct Time Code.
  • On an Operate Time Code for a Compass Slave IOM, the IOM turns the relay off when Active.
The following issues specific to CORE have been resolved:

  • None
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:

  • None

Known Limitations



  • Intelli-Site CS
  • Intelli-Site ES
  • Intelli-Site GS

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