Why aren't signatures showing on badges?
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00467 Views: 20485 Created: 07-23-2014 09:56 AM Last Updated: 07-23-2014 10:25 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

Older versions of the signature pad had a special initialization file that the newer versions of the signature pad does not.  Intelli-Site is looking for that file to make sure the Workstation is running on a machine with the signature SDK.  There needs to be a file named SigPlus.ini in the Windows folder.  Intelli-Site doesn't care what is in the file, just that it exists.


  1. Using Notepad or some similar word processing software, create a new file.
  2. Select "Save As.."
  3. In the "Save As" dialog, set the folder to the Desktop.
  4. In the "Filename" field enter "SigPlus.ini"
  5. Click the Save button
  6. Exit the word processing software.
  7. Copy the SigPlus.ini file from the Desktop to the Windows folder, usually C:\Windows.  
This file must be on all Workstations for the signature to appear on the badge in Card Management Mode. 

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