Release Notes Intelli-Site
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00573 Views: 19073 Created: 10-24-2018 02:54 PM Last Updated: 03-26-2019 11:34 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

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This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.0.34.8.  The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release. 

NOTE: Intelli-Site v4.0.33.26 was declared invalid and pulled from distribution. If through some twist of fate, you installed or upgraded to that version, it is imperative you upgrade as soon as possible.

New Features

The following software features were added:

  • Counters can now be Client-based counters. Check the Client Based field in the properties dialog. When checked, all actions on the counter will be isolated to the Client on which the action is taking place. This is especially helpful when switching video streams in Live View. The same video control and counter can be used without affecting the video streams viewed by all logged in users.
  • Items in a SimpleList control can be edited.
     The Email List of a Distribution List node is a SimpleList control. To edit an item in the list, select it. The edit box is filled with the selected item. Modify the data in the edit box. The [Add] button becomes a [Save] button. Why you are satisfied with the modifications, click the [Save] button. The item in the list is updated.
  • Filter card database records by User Level, a property on the Setup node, is implemented.
  • Drag and drop of a screen object from the Tree onto the screen being edited is implemented. When the object is dropped onto the screen in the Edit Area, that object and any children will be copied to the screen and the reprogramming wizard will automatically popup.
  • Text-to-Speech is implemented in the Desktop Client
  • The height of the Information Manager on a per user basis is implemented. It is set in the Height field in the user's Properties dialog. Zero (0) means to use the height specified in the IM Layout defined in the Layout field.
The following Panels were added or upgraded:

  • NEW! Mercury
  • NEW! Axis Media Control
    • Allows video streaming from Axis cameras
    • Allows video streaming from any camera with a direct connect HTTP URL. Basically if the HTTP URL can be used in a browser, it can be entered as a CUSTOM URL in the panel.
  • Digital Watchdog 
    • Upgraded to support DW Spectrum v3.1
    • Can be configured to connect directly to the camera instead of streaming from the Digital Watchdog server
    • Upgraded to use VisioForge as the video player.
  • MAC
    • Alarm points can be the target of the SetOn and SetOff actions. This does not apply to  the Panel Status point. Screen objects created by dragging and dropping one of these points will contain the SetOn and SetOff actions to turn the point on and off by clicking on the screen object.

    Resolved Issues

    The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:

    • Desktop Client
      • General
        • When a Priority is set to Bring Client To Front, Intelli-Site brings the Client to the front if it was not the active program and an event with this priority is written to the Alarm Queue. If Intelli-Site was iconized when the event comes in, Intelli-Site is expanded as well as brought to the front.
        • For MSSQL databases, no longer throw an error when the extra.MultiCard database table is updated.
        • ISInput points are valid targets for Event actions. ISInput points are those points that are inputs only such as input points from panels. These points cannot be the target of SetOn or SetOff or similar actions.
      • Access Management View
        • When adding an Access Group while a PCSC ELV panel is part of the project, the PCSC Floor Groups will be included in the list of readers.
        • Adding or modifying PCSC Time Zones now set the download required flag properly so that the [Download] button changes color to indicate a download is needed.
        • The PCSC Holiday Time Zones tab is no longer erroneously displaying the "Start Time must be less than Stop Time".
        • When the Stop Day of a PCSC Time Zone entry is set to a range, the Start Day is set to match it and vice versa.
      • Accutech View
        • The [Admit] button is only active when there is at least one tag in the table and that tag has not been assigned.
        • The user is no longer allowed to save tag numbers with invalid characters. If a tag number field has an invalid character when the user presses [OK] on the Add Tag(s) dialog, a popup message appears informing the user that at least one of the fields contains an invalid character. The user is returned to the Add Tag(s) dialog to correct the tag number or cancel out of adding any tags.
      • Design View
        • General
          • All of the PCSC actions are now selecting and deselecting properly in the Actions dialog.
          • Clicking on a drop box after copying a row from an action grid no longer causes an unhandled exception.
        • Setup
          • Unique User node Names is enforced. No two User nodes can have the same Name.
          • Hidden Itemsdynamically loads the hidden items each time the Setup node's Properties dialog is displayed.
          • Backup Now is working again.
        • Constructs
          • Custom Scripts
            • The Segment Action grid is now limited to the Engine actions. The Segment Action grid is run in the Engine which does not have a user interface. Therefore, it cannot do tasks such as play a sound or display a screen, or stream video.
            • The first segment actions are run immediately upon starting the script instead of waiting for the first timeout to expire.
        • Screens
          • Basic Screen object programming
            • The ACK qualifier has been implemented
            • The Not operator has been implemented
          • The Reprogramming wizard updates the Find Text field to match the line selected in the Replace Text table
          • The Reprogramming wizard properly reprograms child nodes.
          • Database actions that target a Database Grid screen object work on regular screens as well as popup screens.
          • Popup screens can be set to pop up anywhere. They are no longer limited to the Desktop Client window. Care must be taken to ensure the screen is not set to pop up outside the limits of the monitor(s).
      • Hardware Management View
        • The [Orphaned Panels] button will not display if the orphaned panels are deleted after being made orphaned.
        • The Orphaned Panels dialog will not save if a panel is assigned to a driver of a different type. It will pop up a dialog explaining that there is a panel/driver mismatch and return the user to the Orphaned Panels dialog to correct it.
      • Live View
        • The Client does not lose connection to the Engine when a Screen action is executed in an Action On High (Client) action grid
    • Engine Service
      • When the host computer's time changes by more than 5 seconds, the Engine will update the date and time on all panels as needed.
      • The Engine will set/clear virtual points properly after they've been re-ordered in the Tree.
      • When failover occurs in Redundancy, the client connection count is now zeroed out because there cannot be any clients connected.
    • Web Client
      • Access Management View
        • Personnel with no tokens/cards can be added and saved.
        • Expiration Date greater than Activate Date is being enforced when a token is saved.
        • The date picker will allow the user to select years +/- 100 years. To go back more than the 10 years displayed, select the earliest year and open the date picker again.
        • Cardholder images display appropriately without being stretched or distorted.
    • Compass
      • MagStripe card downloads no longer cause the Compass driver to crash.
      • The Properties dialogs for the IIM, IOM, and IOM Slave panels save without exceptions.
    • Digital Watchdog NVR Driver
      • Auto Detect updates the existing cameras instead of deleting them. This preserves any programming that uses the camera nodes. If a camera is no longer in the list returned by Digital Watchdog, that camera will be deleted if it is not used in any programming in Intelli-Site.
      • The driver property NVR List displays the panel node names instead of the connection information. 
      • The user cannot add or delete group nodes on camera nodes in Design View. Users had deleted the Presets node because a camera didn't have any. This caused problems with the panel. It is strongly suggested that maintenance of the Digital Watchdog panel be done through Hardware Management View. Only camera preset nodes, the individual nodes, not the group node, should be added or deleted in Design View.
    • MAC
      • When a card with a Site code or PIN code greater than 65535 is downloaded to a MAC panel, an exception is logged and the card is not downloaded to that panel. MAC panels do not allow Site codes or PIN codes that are larger than 65535.
      • The General points on the 8IC are properly named.
    • PCSC
      • Changes to the Inputs, Outputs, and Sense tabs of the Quick Config dialogs are saving properly.
      • Saved changes to Quick Config dialog Inputs, Outputs, and Readers tabs set the download flags appropriately.
      • In the Quick Config dialog for PCSC IQ Panels, the Doors combo box on the Doors tab now lists Class D outputs not Readers.
      • The values for Output Standard Shunt Time and Long Shunt Time are validated when saved.
      • Changing the model of a panel is now properly updating all of the nodes, adding and removing nodes, revealing and hiding nodes appropriately. 
      • For IQ panels, the name is truncated to 12 characters before downloading. Intelli-Site can handle longer names than the panel can.
      • For IQ400 panels, Inputs 120 - 123, and Outputs 89 & 90 have been found and returned to the panel safely.
      • For IQ200 panels, Settings downloads are working again.
      • Two Person Man Rule, TPMOR, is functional.
    The following issues specific to Intelli-Site Lite have been resolved:

    • N/A
    Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:

    • LiNC-Plus: The PCSC Adv Access Card Data Screen says Class H Counter and not On Access Output

    Known Limitations



    Applies to:
    • Intelli-Site
    • Intelli-Site Lite
    • LiNC-PLUS
    • LiNC-PLUS Lite
    • MASC
    • MASC Lite
    • ReidentGuard

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