Once the format has been determined, the card number mask can be defined in the card config tab of the Compass RTU. (Figure 1)
As shown in Figure 1, the ID field must be set to "254", and the bit count field to the total length of the data on the track to be read.
The Name field is for reference only and can be anything, though it should be descriptive.
The Data Mask field describes the data format to be considered for each card read. A capital "C" signifies card number data, while an "*" is a digit to be ignored. for example:
IF the card contains a string like "12345=67890" and the Data Mask is defined as "CCCCC*CCC**" the card number would be interpreted as as "12345678".
Parity Mask 1, 2, and 3 should all be defined as all "*" characters.
Here is an example of a completed format for a card with 13 characters: . (Figure 2)
Once completed, save the format and apply the changes to the RTU.
On the RTU tab of the RTU properties, set the Reader Type to Clock and Data.
(Figure 3)
Repeat these steps for each RTU.
Finally, update the "Carddata" screen to include the magstripe option for CardFormat as shown:
Note: Panels can be Clock and Data or Wiegand, but not both. It is not possible to have Wiegand readers and Clock and Data readers on the same panel.