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What ports should I open on my firewall for Intelli-Site?
Author: Wade Whitmoyer Reference Number: AA-00625 Views: 22279 Created: 08-18-2020 08:30 AM Last Updated: 08-18-2020 09:05 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

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             Under some circumstances it becomes necessary to modify firewall rules after installing Intelli-Site software. 


Intelli-Site uses the following ports:

Intelli-Site Software Ports:
  • TCP 9600 - This is the default Engine Service port used for Desktop Client connections.
  • TCP 9601 - This is the default Driver Service port.
  • TCP 9602 - This is the port for Desktop Client to Driver Service Messages.
  • TCP 9603 - This the default port for Client Manager Service
  • TCP 9604 - This is the port for redundancy messages between the Servers.
  • UDP 9604 - This is the redundancy listener port.
Database Server Ports:
  • TCP 5432 - This is the default port for Postgresql Server.
  • TCP 1433 - This is the default port for SQL Server.
Hardware Ports:
  • TCP 2101 - This is the TCP sockets port for Compass panels.
  • TCP 23 - This is the TELNET command port for the Compass panels.
  • TCP 1628 - This is the communications port for Lonworks over IP for MAC panels.

*The Default Ports are configurable for the following:

  • Engine Service
  • Driver Service
  • Client Manager Service.
  • Ports specific to individual hardware types where allowed.

***See this Microsoft Article for more details

As a general rule, if there is a problem with connectivity, open up all TCP and UDP ports between 9600-9660 inclusive.


While it is possible to use Intelli-Site from location to location across multiple subnets, it is not recommended that external firewall rules be modified, but instead a VPN connection created between the sites. 


Opening ports in your firewall can be dangerous and lead to security issues, it is best to avoid opening ports that are not in use. Contact your IT professional for more info.


  • Intelli-Site
  • Intelli-Site Lite
  • MASC
  • MASC Lite
  • Compass Hardware 
  • MAC Hardware

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