How do I add the same holidays to more than one project without having to do it all by hand?
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00605 Views: 8090 Created: 10-02-2019 03:21 PM Last Updated: 10-02-2019 04:21 PM 0 Rating/ Voters


Many integrators manage multiple projects. Most projects will have the same basic set of holidays. Adding them one by one in each project is time-consuming at best. The integrator can import the same basic holidays into each project he/she manages instead.


Create the Holidays and Export the All Holidays group

  1. Add all of the desired holidays to the first project.
  2. In Design View, expand expand Cardholder Control -> Holiday Groups
  3. Right-click on All Holidays and select Export... and save the export file.

Import the Holiday Group into the new project

  1. In Design View, expand expand Cardholder Control -> Holiday Groups
  2. Right-click on Holiday Groups  and select Import... 
  3. Locate and select the holidays export file. The Import dialog displays. Click the [Import] button..

At this point, you will see that there are three (3) holiday groups: No Holidays, All Holidays, and the holiday group you just imported. Few installations want multiple holiday groups. If this project is not one of those, the previous All Holidays group needs to be delete. But if you right-click on that group you will discover that Delete is disabled. This is to ensure that there is always at least one holiday group in addition to the No Holidays group. We will now explain deleting the old All Holidays group.

Deleting the original All Holidays group node

  1. Drag the All Holidays group node onto the Holiday Groups node. 
  2. You will be prompted to continue with Move. Click [Yes]. The original All Holidays node is now at the bottom of the list.
  3. Right-click on the original All Holidays node and select Delete.

Warning - The first group must be the No Holidays

If in the course of moving holiday groups the first group is not No Holidays, keep moving groups until it is the first in the list. 

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