Multi Door Interlocks (Sally Port) With 32I and 16R
Author: Lee Arhelger Reference Number: AA-00264 Views: 17467 Created: 02-07-2013 10:54 AM Last Updated: 06-07-2013 04:40 PM 0 Rating/ Voters


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     How to create a multi door interlock



Communication between panels is done only with General Points.

Example one - 32 or less inputs on the same panel:

  • All inputs are on the same panel. The following two diagrams contain the ladder for input and output panels respectfully. First the 32I followed by the 16R. Notice the blue text in the first diagram which indicates that the output is a General Point (GP1) on a different panel. The Door Relay is an input point indicating the latch is secure. If only the DPS is used the door could be closed but not locked.


                     Figure 1

  • The ladder in the 16R will look something like this. The first contact is a screen object or what ever you use to initiate the action. Followed by the interlock point and then the door to unlock.


                       Figure 2

Example Two - Inputs on multiple panels:

  • The inputs are on different panels. Panel three, also an input panel, is the master control panel. It does the actual output control, which is the third figure. The following three diagrams are the ladder for each input panel. Notice the blue text which indicates that the output is a General Point (GPx) in a different panel. It uses the same 16R output as above.
  • Note: In figure 5 where the text is over written the first is 32I Panel Interlock GP1 and the second is 32I Panel Interlock GP2. That is how to combine the inputs from all three doors into one interlock.


                    Figure 3


                     Figure 4


                        Figure 5

  • The outputs would be done the same as figure 2 in the first example.


  • Intelli-Site Enterprise v.<version number(s) or N/A>
  • Intelli-Site Global v.<version number(s) or N/A>
  • MASC v.<version number(s) or N/A>
  • MAC Hardware (<Panel Type(s) or N/A>)

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