Release Notes Intelli-Site 4 v4.0.23.4
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00543 Views: 19342 Created: 05-18-2017 10:42 AM Last Updated: 07-10-2017 02:53 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

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This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site 4 v4.23.4.  The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This release fixes the upgrade issue found in the previous version.

The version number of a dll was not properly set which kept the installer from recognizing it as needing to be upgraded.

New Features

The following software features were added:

  • N/A
The following Panels were added or upgraded:

  • N/A

Resolved Issues

The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:

  • The size of the Name field in the Access Entry and Reader tables has been extended to 255 and variable. It's original length was 50. In the majority of cases, 50 is sufficiently long. But there is a small subset of users that need names longer than 50 characters.
The following issues specific to Intelli-Site 4 AC have been resolved:

  • N/A
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:

  • N/A

Known Limitations



Applies to:
  • Intelli-Site 4
  • Intelli-Site 4 AC
  • MASC

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