Release Notes: Intelli-Site
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00604 Views: 15252 Created: 08-02-2019 11:19 AM Last Updated: 04-29-2020 09:35 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

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This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.0.42.7.  The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release. 

A new license is need for those installations with Allen Bradley, Omron, and/or Modbus panels. These panels were wrongly typed as Intercom/Telephony in the previous release. They are actually PLCs.

New Features

The following software features were added:

  • Design View
    • The Export... and Import... context menu options have been implemented for all Screens, Popup Screens, Card Data Screens, Screen Objects, Shared Screen Objects, and all Panel types. 
  • Documentation
    • Allen Bradley Panel Guide
    • Radionics Panel Guide
    • SHIP Panel Guide
The following Panels were added or upgraded:

  • N/A

      Resolved Issues

      The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:

      • Desktop Client
        • General
          • Database field screen objects whose Source Field is empty will not cause an exception. This affects Access Management View which uses database field screen objects extensively for Card Data pages as well as Design View and Live View.
        • Design View
          • Reprogram includes Hover Object and Hover Text in the Replace Points table.
          • Replicate doesn't crash when the last common target is deselected.
          • Replicate no longer scrolls to the top after selecting a target that required scrolling to see. The table stays put.
          • Changing the name of an Images folder changes the name of the folder on disk.
      • Engine
        • The panel status point of any panel will be turned off if the driver's communication method is not connected.
        • The Toggle action has been modified so that the Engine sends SetOn or SetOff depending on the current state of the targeted point, reducing the number of instructions a panel driver must implement.
        • Redundancy: Project to Database synching waits until the Slave synchs with the Master.
      • Panels
        • Allen Bradley
          • The panel now properly counts as a PLC class driver instead of Intercom/Telephony for licensing purposes.
          • An [Import Tags] button has been added to the Quick Config dialog to manually import tags from a file when access to the physical panel is not feasible. The file must be a simple tab-delimited text file with three columns per line without column headers.
            The columns in order are Name, Tag, and Tag Type.
          • With the implementation of [Import Tags]Add Multiple on Group nodes in Design View is no longer needed. Therefore, it has been disabled.
          • Tags can be reordered in Design View.
          • Messages in the Driver Messages window include all transmitted (Tx) and received (Rx) messages.
          • The panel status point now properly changes state if the Driver Service is stopped and started again.
          • A tag that doesn't exist in the physical device but does exist in Intelli-Site does not take down communication with the Driver Service for every other driver.
          • Removing a tag that doesn't exist in the physical panel goes into effect immediately. As long as a non-existent tag is in Intelli-Site, the panel is in alarm. It must be removed which is why it needs to go into effect immediately.
          • If the Allen Bradley drops off the network, the panel status will be set to the alarm state.
          • [Verify Tags] only displays one dialog to inform the user when a tag does not exist in the physical panel. 
          • [Find Tags] will list tags that are not part of the Quick Config in its current state. This means a tag can be deleted in the Quick Config but not applied and will be displayed by [Find Tags]. Changes can still be abandoned by clicking [Cancel].
          • The properties dialog displays CIP Path just like the Quick Config dialog.
          • The Write Complete and DataChanged messages in the Messages window display the tag name instead of the tag type.
          • Changes to the tag list go into effect immediately. The user no longer needs to disable/enable the driver.
        • Axis Media Control
          • To force the ActiveX control to release resources, Axis Media Control video objects will be destroyed and recreated every day. This is helpful for those sites that use the same video display object and the Client is open 24/7. They will no longer have their video display suddenly stop working. This will affect at most one camera change a day and will cause the connection to take an additional second or two.
        • MAC
          • Inserting a ladder rung on the second panel of a driver using the Properties dialog shows the correct panel and not the first panel in the chain.
          • The ladder for REX Operation: LockFollowREX is fixed.
        • Modbus
          • The panel now properly counts as a PLC class driver instead of Intercom/Telephony for licensing purposes.
          • The panel status properly reflects the lack of connection if the physical panel is not available when the driver is enabled.
          • The Messages window displays all of the registers in the polling block.
          • If the physical panel is not available at startup (i.e., the communication method doesn't start), the driver will not start polling until it comes online.
          • The Alarm Queue Settings dialog list the sub-nodes of value type tags not including signed sub-nodes. This includes all bit values (b0-b15) and unsigned integers. It does not include any signed integers as they are used to increment/decrement the value type node and cannot be set high or low. 
        • Omron
          • The panel now properly counts as a PLC class driver instead of Intercom/Telephony for licensing purposes.
          • Add Multiple and Rename and Add From File set the Point Type to what the user selected
          • Automatically created screen objects are using the name of the value tag node instead of just being named "value".
        • Radionics
          • The context menu for the Panel Status node opens without error
      The following issues specific to Intelli-Site Lite have been resolved:

      • N/A
      Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:

      • N/A 

      Known Limitations



      Applies to:
      • Intelli-Site
      • Intelli-Site Lite
      • LiNC-PLUS
      • LiNC-PLUS Lite
      • MASC
      • MASC Lite
      • ResidentGuard

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