Release Notes: Intelli-Site
Author: Lori Tassin Reference Number: AA-00545 Views: 15211 Created: 06-19-2017 05:18 PM Last Updated: 07-19-2017 08:44 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

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This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.24.15.  The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

Announcing a new name and look!

 Intelli-Site 4 AC is now Intelli-Site Lite. Intelli-Site 4 is now simply Intelli-Site.  In addition, icons and images used throughout the product have been updated. Let us know what you think!

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

New Features

The following software features were added:

  • Deleting nodes has been optimized
  • Converting from Global Time Zone to Panel Time Zones (or vice versa) has been optimized
The following Panels were added or upgraded:

  • N/A

Resolved Issues

The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:

  • Installer: 
    • When the Client Manager Service is the only component selected, the Configuration Utility is installed too so you can manage the Client Manager Service. 
    • The description of the Client Manager Service is now present.
  • Desktop Client
    • Compass
      • Cannot delete a Timecode if it is in use
      • Cannot delete a Holiday Group if it is in use
      • Memory Settings display on the Quick Config dialog
    • MAC
      • The Name field for the Inputs table is accepting more than one keystroke at a time now.
    • Access Management View
      • The [Search] operator is now using AND for all of the search criteria instead of OR.
    • Design View
      • Delete Node now removes references to the node from all evaluation grids and action grids
      • Delete Node now removes the whole line from an action grid when the target is no longer present
      • Drag and drop of Database objects now takes into account the Field Type when setting the Control Type of the resultant screen object
      • The System Time Period properties tabs are all populated again. There is a pesky gremlin that was running around behind the scenes stealing them. We believe we found his hidy-hole and have eliminated the problem entirely. But gremlins are sneaky little buggers.
      • The target Grid and associated fields were not activating on a RecordAdd action if the grid was on a popup screen. 
      • If the ActivationGroup field was not on the CardData screen, the MLC-4R Quick Config dialog was not displaying. 
      • The Desktop Client will not crash when attempting to display an invalid database image. (Just sayin'.)
      • Database Field Control screen objects now accept #ChildIDNum#, and #ChildIndex# as directives for the Values when the Control Type is Combo Box. Note: The data type for the Source Field must be Int32.
    • Video View
      • When an error occurs on connection/authentication when attempting to display video, an error message dialog appears.
  • Web Service
    • Live View now has a Log Off link
    • Access Management View
      • [Add Card Range] dialog no longer accepts zeros or negative numbers for the starting card number or the number of cards to add.
      • [Add Card Range] dialog disables the "use selected card as template" check box when no card is selected.
The following issues specific to Intelli-Site Lite have been resolved:

  • N/A
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:

  • N/A

Known Limitations



Applies to:
  • Intelli-Site
  • Intelli-Site Lite
  • MASC
  • MASC Lite

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